Thank you, all the Tai Chi "ancestors".
Thank you, my close lineage Tai Chi teachers whom I have had the privilege to study with in person: Richard Roy, Paul Gallagher, Dr. Paul Lam, Mark Deaver, Marty Kidder, Pat Lawson, Bruce Young, Dan Kleiman, and the woman whose name I can't remember but from whom I received my very first Tai Chi instruction at the old Joy of Movement Center way back when I was 18...
Thank you, all of you have and continue to participate in classes I am teaching.
Thank you, my Tai Chi friends across the globe.
Thank you, my Tai Chi classmates.
Thank you, all of you teach Tai Chi.
Thank you, all of you who bring Tai Chi to people through your writing and dvds and youtube videos.
Thank you, all of you who have dedicated yourself to teaching Tai Chi.
What gifts and insights have you received from your Tai Chi practice and instruction?